Did Corona have any impact on our radio habits?

Did Corona have any impact on people's radio habits?

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For this year’s #WorldRadioDay in February, Pure conducted a consument study in the UK and Germany (infographics are all representations of UK findings) to identify the radio listening patterns during the pandemic. As it turns out, Covid brought about an increase in radio listenership, with more than 50% of respondents in both countries stating they listened to the radio more in 2020 than in previous years.

The statistics show whether in 2020, during the pandemic, lute listened to the radio again more. The figures from the UK show that almost 60% have increased radio listening.

A popular newfound time to listen to the radio was during the workday, especially for Generation XY, which can be attributed to spending more time at home due to lockdown and home office arrangements. Other favourites were identified as workout time and breakfast in the UK. Boomers have a preference for listening in the morning as well as during work. GenZ named exercise, breakfast and evening as their go-to hours. Contrarily, German respondents from all generations agreed on morning, breakfast and work.

The following statistics show the extent to which radio listeners differ in terms of age. It also shows the time at which the radio is switched on.

Alexa hasn’t killed the radio (yet)

The results from the study show that using a traditional radio device is a choice of convenience and habit, but also accessibility. Traditional radios have been a familiar home staple for generations and carry sentimental value.

This statistic shows which devices are used to listen to the radio. With a total of 42%, and thus in first place, is still the classic radio.

Why even use a radio device?

Younger audiences exhibited a strong interest in on-demand content such as YouTube, podcasts and music streaming, which ties in with Pure’s efforts of integrating more and more of those services into their products.

Listed are five reasons why a radio device is still reasonable.
The statistics show which format was used before the pandemic. Before the pandemic hit Youtube's been in first place with almost 50%.

Local ties

In the UK, respondents frequently cited a variety of BBC stations as favourites. Digital radio station “Magic” and feel-good channel “Heart” are extremely popular as well, while Germans most frequently turn into “1 Live”, “Bayern 3” and “Antenne Bayern”.

2020 was certainly a time to rediscover old interests and find new ones in one’s own company, and radio played an even bigger role in people’s daily listening habits than it did before, confirming once again that radio is a personal long-term investment for everybody.

The following statistics show the most frequently mentioned radio presenters and radio stations

If you would like to receive the German results of our market study, email us here.

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